她是一名牙医。 她被中东最恐怖组织【伊斯兰国】ISIS逮捕并且立即枪决了! 罪名?因为她替男性拔牙!ISIS魔鬼战士认为她因此触犯伊斯兰刑事法,未经审讯就地…




Dr. Rou’aa Diab was a dentist in the Deir ez-Zor Governate city of Al-Mayadeen, located on the border of Iraq. Two days ago, she arrested by the Islamic State, along with 4 others, and summarily executed.

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The reasoning for the execution was under the crime of “treating male patients” – a crime she was not tried for in a court room. Dr. Diab’s death has sparked anger in the historical city of Al-Mayadeen, an area where the Islamic State continues to assert its governance over.

Dr. Diab is one of the many civilians executed by the Islamic State over the last 7 days. Syrian Government sources claim 700 civilians from a tribe in Deir ez-Zor were executed last week. Violence between tribal factions in Deir ez-Zor and the Islamic State has escalated over the last two weeks, despite good relations prior to their armed conflict.

文章來源: https://www.facebook.com/WeFullySupportprdap/photos/a.425764367557944.1073741829.425312047603176/520566244744422/?type=1

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