纳吉,你敢解散国会来给人民决定是否支持你的GST?早上在我的助理Law Hui Ung Stanley Chiew陪同下拜访诗巫的商家了解他们在GST实行后面对的困境。当然我们在拜访商家的时候也接触了消费者得到他们对消费税的反应。得到的反映都是骂政府为难人民,他们都要求解散国会来投票决定是否要消费税。Market reaction to the GST; dissolve parliament and let the Rakyat decides.Visited businesses in town this morning, from hardware store, sundry shop, traditional chinese medical hall, goldsmith,fruits stall and supermarket to hear their grievances and difficulties.Not even one speak anything good about the GST.
文章來源: http://www.facebook.com/WeFullySupportprdap/posts/633911436743235