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親俄武裝人員:部隊將MH17當戰機擊落 美國《新聞週刊》23日報導,一名31歲親俄武裝人員承認其所屬部隊擊落馬航MH17客機。義大利《米蘭晚郵報》對該人士進行採訪後證實,親俄武裝人員誤將民航客機當做戰機擊落,並且還要求做好準備與親烏地面士兵交戰。 這名親俄武裝人員在7月17日MH17被擊落後被派往墜機現場看守。他表示,有人說「我們擊落了一架基輔法西斯分子的飛機」,而且要大家保持警戒,「因為機內一些人已跳傘逃生。」 這位武裝人員說,「我和我的部隊在地面和樹叢裡尋找降落傘,但卻找到一具小女孩的遺體。這個小女孩肯定還不到5歲,臉朝下趴在地上,看起來令人害怕。這時我才意識到我們擊中的不是戰鬥機,而是民航客機。」 儘管親俄武裝人員還振振有詞地逃避這項指責,但是越來越多證據指向親俄武裝人員跟馬航MH17墜機脫不了關係。 《新聞週刊》報導,6天前烏克蘭民間武裝領袖吉爾金首次向媒體宣稱對MH17墜機事件負責。他在俄羅斯最大的社交網站上po文說,「我們剛剛在多列士附近擊落一架安26運輸機,它在普羅格雷斯礦附近墜毀。我們早已警告不要飛越我們的領空。」吉爾金的說法顯示當時武裝人員認為所擊落的是一架烏克蘭戰機。不過,這貼文很快就被刪除。 7月18日,烏克蘭當局公佈了截獲的錄音,錄音中兩名武裝分子承認擊落了一架客機。 7月22日,一位不公開姓名的美國高級情報官員說,馬航MH17事件最可能的解釋是,烏克蘭東部民間武裝人員發射一枚山毛櫸防空導彈將其擊落。民間武裝目前已擊落14架烏克蘭軍機。 美國並沒有直接證據證明,擊落馬航客機的導彈來自俄羅斯。美國等西方國家都強烈暗示,客機是被烏克蘭民間武裝擊落,而導彈正是由俄羅斯提供。但俄羅斯一直駁斥這個說法。 另外,《新聞週刊》也指出,馬航MH17墜毀客機一黑匣子錄音完好未被篡改。國際民用航空組織23日說,馬航MH17航班客機兩個黑匣子的其中一個保存駕駛艙內錄音內容目前完好無損,另一個黑匣子中存儲的資料正在下載、分析中。 這兩個黑匣子是由烏克蘭東部民間武裝交給馬來西亞代表團,而後轉交給荷蘭。荷蘭最後把它們送往英國法恩伯勒,委託英國空難調查處下載和分析資料。兩個黑匣子中,一個存有駕駛艙內全部對話內容,另一個則保存所有飛行相關資料。它們可能對墜機事件調查有所幫助。 新闻来源: http://www.newsweek.com/we-shot-down-mh17-says-pro-russian-soldier-260630 A pro-Russian militant has admitted his unit shot down Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, Italian Newspaper Corriere della Sera has reported. The interview confirms pro-Russian forces mistook the passenger plane for a military one and were told to prepare to engage pro-Ukraine soldiers on the ground. “‘We’ve just shot down one of the Kiev Fascists’ planes’, they told us, warning us to take care because at least some of the crew had reportedly baled out,” the source told Corriere della Sera, at the Torez railway station, at which the bodies of the plane crash victims were held before departing for Khakiv, Ukraine. “My men and I were looking for parachutes on the ground and in the trees.” Newsweek Magazine is Back In Print “Underneath I found the body of a little girl, who can’t have been more than five. She was lying face down. It was awful. That was when I realised it was a civilian plane. Not a military one." The separatist source is a 31-year-old soldier in the Oplot paramilitary unit, the Italian newspaper said, which has been tasked with guarding the crash site ever since the plane was brought down on 17 July. Today’s reports from Torez come five days after separatist leader Igor Girkin initially claimed responsibility for bringing MH17 down on social media, believing it to be a Ukrainian fighter jet. “In the vicinity of Torez, we just downed a plane, an AN-26. It is lying somewhere in the Progress Mine. We have issued warnings not to fly in our airspace,” he posted on Russia’s most popular social networking site. The post was deleted shortly after. The following day further evidence emerged that separatist forces were behind the downing of MH17 as Ukrainian Security Forces released what they claim to be an intercepted recording of two separatist militants admitting to shooting down a civilian plane. Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 from Amsterdam was brought down outside Donetsk on 17 July, carrying mostly Dutch nationals. All 298 passengers have been confirmed dead, with the bodies yet to be returned to their families. The first flight carrying remains from the 298 is expected to arrive in the Netherlands this morning. 请按 Like 和 Share,支持《Global忠政快讯Us》专页! 更多即时新闻、 热门资讯和趣闻报道,尽在: https://www.facebook.com/GlobalZZKXUs

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