证据会说话!以色列空袭加沙地带联合国医院炸死孩童?真相终于出来了!原来又是哈马斯栽赃嫁祸! 这短片清楚看到,哈马斯在联合国医院附近发射火箭炮攻击以色列,以色列…




Gaza School Attack Now Appears To Be Staged.

PR seems to be the strategy that works best for the Palestinians. It works so well to have killed children in the pictures that when they’re not killed, the Palestinians make them up.

What is it like to be a child in Gaza? A woman? To be used as a prop and allowed to be abused and die to prove somebody’s point. How can anyone grow up in that kind of hell and remain human?

All human rights activists. Take a good look and decide who violates human rights and who does everything not to violate them. Who among you is living in a bubble where Hollywood movies represent hard fact and refuse to believe that reality is what goes on behind the scenes? These two videos may be for you.



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