

上餐厅外带食物 惨被逐客

因为父亲生病而外带食物到连锁餐厅,一家5口却遭餐厅经理当场驱赶!这起不愉快事件,发生在万达广场的Chili’s美式餐厅。事件经过遭一名在场的顾客用手机录下,并上载至Youtube。在这1分17秒的视频中,只见一名身穿红色T恤的男子对着餐厅内的其他顾客高声表示,轮椅上的父亲因为生病,他和家人只好外带一份食物到餐厅给父亲享用,却遭到餐厅经理的驱赶。“我们其他4个家庭成员不但点了四份主食,还点了许多开胃菜,而我们只是外带一份食物给父亲享用。但这个女人(指着餐厅经理)说,因为我们外带食物进来,所以餐厅不愿意招待我们。”“无论我们如何解释外带食物给生病的父亲是因为他有饮食限制,只能吃指定的食物,但这家餐厅却执意赶我们走。”“我对这家餐厅的待客之道感到非常失望!”这个名为“Chilis 1 Utama Horrible Experience”的视频,由AlvyChannel于昨日上载至Youtube。据该视频后半段的文字写明,下逐客令的正是在视频片首几秒现身的女子,也是该分店的经理罗兹。Chili’s大马区域经理尼可拉斯魏(译音)在接受《人民邮报》受询时表示,公司已致电该名顾客解释缘由,问题已经解决了。他说,餐厅拒绝招待该名顾客的原因,是基于外带食物的安全考量。“该名顾客已经接受我们的解释。”当提及顾客的父亲生病,为何餐厅不额外通融允許携带外带食物?尼可拉斯指出,如果顾客能呈上医生的书面说明,餐厅将额外通融。但他说,餐厅乐意配合顾客的需求,为他们特别准备适合的食物。尽管如此,餐厅不准外带食物的禁令,不包括婴儿食物。A video of a diner venting his anger on a famous chain restaurant for its “no outside food allowed” policy.In the 1 minute 17 second video, an unidentified man in a red shirt is seen addressing fellow patrons claiming that he and his family were asked to leave a Chili’s outlet in 1 Utama for bringing in outside food for his disabled father. This, he said, was despite ordering several dishes, including appetisers from the outlet.The man explained that the food which he brought from outside was based on a checklist of items that his father could consume.“I told her that the outside food was only for my father sahaja , yang sakit dan di atas kerusi roda (who is sick and wheelchair bound).“Tapi dia cakap, I’m so sorry, but please leave the restaurant as wewill not serve you because makan outside food,” the man was heard saying in the video, alluding to the manager of the outlet.http://ch.therakyatpost.com/国内焦点/2014/08/25/病人上餐厅外带食物 惨被逐客/

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