砂人2015年缴消费税近3亿 黄庆伟:还不够首相买一架飞机 (古晋13日讯) 浮罗岸区州议员黄庆伟今日提出一项统计,显示砂劳越人今年千辛万苦所缴交的消费税总额…


(古晋13日讯) 浮罗岸区州议员黄庆伟今日提出一项统计,显示砂劳越人今年千辛万苦所缴交的消费税总额,还不够给首相购买一架新的私人喷射飞机。因此他抨击国阵政府征收消费税是为了要给国家领袖随意挥霍。



也是砂州社青团团长的黄庆伟指出,根据所得到的数据显示,这几年来6%的销售与服务税 (SST) 为政府带来平均每一年大约170亿的收入。在这170亿当中,砂劳越人民平均这几年一共缴交了一年2亿5千万。

“换句话说,砂劳越人这几年所缴交的销售与服务税 (SST) 是占全国的大约1.5%。如果我们也以1.5%来计算,今年的4月到12月间,砂劳越人所缴交的消费税总额为2亿9千1百万。”

黄庆伟说,根据首相在国会里透露,预计今年4月到12月,国阵政府将在全国征收马币232亿零吉的消费税。扣除豁免物品 (Exempt Goods)消费税的38亿零吉,国阵政府会获得194亿的消费税。





RM 300 Million of GST collected from Sarawakians in 2015
Wong King Wei: It’s still not enough for PM to buy a jet

KUCHING – State Assemblyman for Padungan YB Wong King Wei today brought up a set of statistics that shows the amount of Goods and Services Tax (GST) collected from hard earning Sarawakians is not enough to buy the Prime Minister a new private jet plane, hence criticizing the BN Government saying that collecting GST is for the nation’s leaders to squander.

By combining various statistics, Wong calculated that in the 9 months between April and December this year, Sarawakians are estimated to have paid RM 291 million in GST. As compared to a RM 465 million private jet which the Prime Minister recently purchased, Wong said GST paid by Sarawakian for 9 months this introductory year is still not enough to buy Prime Minister a luxury private jet.

Wong stated, “Sarawakians worked sweat, blood and tears to pay GST, and yet it is still not enough for the PM to buy a new private jet. On one hand the Government plunders from the Rakyat saying that there is not enough money, yet on the other hand they have not stopped the habit of squandering money. If this continues on, no matter how much taxes are collected from the Rakyat, it is not enough to fill the bottomless hole of BN’s spending.”

Wong, who is also DAPSY Sarawak Chief, pointed out that the data has shown that the Sales and Services Tax (SST) collected in recent years have brought in an average of RM 17 Billion per year for the Government. Out of this RM 17 Billion, Sarawakians contribute an average of RM 250 million per year.

“In other words, the SST collected from Sarawakians account for about 1.5% of the entire country's SST revenue. Based on this 1.5%, we can calculate that between April and December this year, GST collected from Sarawakians amount to RM 291 million.”

The Prime Minister disclosed in the recent Parliament session that the Government is estimated to collect RM 23.2 Billion of GST nationwide from April to December this year. After the deduction of RM 3.8 Billion from exempt goods, the BN Government will receive RM 19.4 Billion in GST.

“Out of this RM 19.4 Billion, it is estimated that 1.5% are GST collected from Sarawakian, which means the total of GST collected from Sarawakians this year is RM 291 million.”

“It is so clear to us that life is hard for the Rakyat, but the Government is indifferent towards the people’s plight, forcing GST on the Rakyat, causing everyone to pay taxes to the BN Government. Not only so, even business people are coerced into using their resources to levy tax for the BN Government. This has turned business owners into tax collectors for the BN Goverment.”

There would be no qualms from the Rakyat granted that their hard earned money is being used properly; however when Sarawakians see that their sweat and blood is not enough for the PM to even buy a RM 465 million private jet, people are disgusted and abhorred by that.

Wong asks “Do Malaysians have to feed these corrupt leaders generations after generations?”

文章來源: http://www.facebook.com/WeFullySupportprdap/photos/a.425764367557944.1073741829.425312047603176/637968159670896/?type=1

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